Answered By: Pawel Szponar
Last Updated: Feb 29, 2016     Views: 353

Does the library have computers I can use?

The Foothill College Library and the Media Center provide access to the Internet and other electronic resources via computer workstations in order to support the curriculum at Foothill College and to enhance other academic endeavors. Computers in the library are intended for academic research. Word processing, e-mail, and participation in online classes are available in the Media Center.

Individuals are responsible for using the library's electronic resources in an ethical, non-discriminatory, equitable, and lawful manner. Engaging in any activity that is at variance with these policies and responsibilities can result in the loss of access privileges and/or legal prosecution.

The library's electronic workstations and the materials to which they provide access constitute resources to be shared equitably among registered student users. If and when the number of computer workstations is insufficient to meet demand, the Library and Media Center staff may, at their discretion, limit individual sessions to academic activity or a certain time period and/or may limit access to those in the primary user group. (Primary users are currently enrolled students, faculty, and staff of Foothill College.)

Compliance with FHDA District Policy 
Any student using the machines located in the Foothill Library or Media Center needs to be in compliance with District Policy #3250. The District's Computer and Network Use Policy may be found at this Web site: